The fundamentals of methodology, methods of integral evaluation of condition and sustainability of socio-ecological-economic systems are examined. The goal of the research was to summarize the results of development and testing of classification models of the integrated assessment of the condition and sustainability of socio-ecological-economic systems. The subjects of the research are socio-ecological-economic systems which include three subsystems: 1 - environmental (quality of the environment), 2 -economic, 3 - social. In some models, a separate component is distinguished in the 3rd component: 4 - morbidity rate among the population. The subjects of the research are the following: 1 - theoretical and methodological aspects and methods of construction of condition integral indicators (integral indicators of the first level of convolution for ecological, economic and social subsystems, as well as the integral indicators of the second level of convolution or summary indicators); 2 – sustainability of socio-ecological-economic systems or their ability to keep the characteristics, parameters of modes and class of the condition in which the system (or its individual subsystems) had been before the start of the impact. The study examines basic definitions, fundamentals of theory and methodology of assessment of condition and sustainability of socio-ecological-economic systems; algorithms for obtaining the integral estimates; results of the assessment research. Examples include: 1 - integrated assessment of socio-ecological-economic system of Russia and comparative integrated assessment of socio-ecological-economic systems of Russia and Canada, Russia and Mexico; 2 - condition of socio-ecological-economic systems of the Federal Districts of the Russian Federation; 3 - condition of socio-ecological-economic systems of the regions of the Russian Federation and their constituent entities (the North-West, the Center, the northern regions, etc.); 4 - condition of socio-ecological-economic systems of the cities of the Russian Federation; 5 - record of morbidity among the population in the integrated assessment of socio-ecological-economic systems of the regions; 6 - study of sustainability of regional systems against impacts directed towards them and their subsystems. This research focuses on development of multi-criteria and multi-level classifications (classification models) for study of condition and sustainability of socio-ecological-economic systems and construction of integrated indicators based on ASPID and ARIS methods and models.