Different molecules of liquid crystals such as 4-pentyl-4’-cyanobiphenyl (CB5) and 4-(Hexyloxy)phenyl 4-butylbenzoate, and their interaction with dyes such as 1,2-Diamino-4-nitrobenzene, N,N-Dimethyl-4-nitrosoaniline, and dimethylamino-𝛽-nitrostyrene were investigated by the density functional theory (DFT) using hybrid potential method B3LYP/6-31G. The electronic absorption spectra of isolated dye molecules and the resulting complexes with liquid crystals were calculated. It was shown that the shift of the absorption bands in the spectra of the dye depends on the structure of the complex. The shift and splitting of the bands due to minor impurity of dye molecules placed in the liquid crystal characterizes the mesophase structure.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationInfluence of Dyes on the Electro-optical Properties of Liquid Crystals
EditorsАнна Головкина, Николай Смирнов
Place of PublicationCham, Switzerland
PublisherSpringer Nature
Number of pages7
ISBN (Electronic)978-3-030-87966-2
ISBN (Print)978-3-030-87965-5
StatePublished - 16 Mar 2022
EventStability and Control Processes: International Conference Dedicated to the Memory of Professor Vladimir Zubov: Dedicated to the Memory of Professor Vladimir Zubov - Санкт-Петербургский Государственный Университет, Saint Petersburg, Russian Federation
Duration: 5 Oct 20209 Oct 2020
Conference number: 4

Publication series

NameLecture Notes in Control and Information Sciences - Proceedings
ISSN (Print)2522-5383
ISSN (Electronic)2522-5391


ConferenceStability and Control Processes: International Conference Dedicated to the Memory of Professor Vladimir Zubov
Abbreviated titleSCP2020
Country/TerritoryRussian Federation
CitySaint Petersburg
Internet address

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