To get full understanding of the operation of the market mechanism, one should have a good grip of the psychology of economic security of a personality which is inherent to that sphere and try to gain a more
detailed insight into the large number of problem factors, such as the need in financial security, financial uncertainty, economic risk, financial anxiety, fear of losing money, fear of wasteful spending, economic status, degree of financial freedom, and belief in stability of the financial system of the country. Since these problems have not escaped – we can even say that the amount of negative economic expectations in modern Russia has increased – it is very important that clinical psychologists and specialists in the field
of psychoanalysis should pay attention to early identification of causes of emotional disturbances of an individual as a result of financial problems and develop methods of psychological care.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationImpact 2016. International Psychological Applications Conference and Trends
Subtitle of host publicationBook of abstracts
EditorsClara Pracana, Michael Wang
Place of PublicationLisbon
PublisherWorld Institute for Advanced Research and Science
ISBN (Print)978-989-99389-5-3
StatePublished - 30 Apr 2016
EventInternational Psychological Applications Conference and Trends 2016 - Lisbon, Portugal
Duration: 30 Apr 20162 May 2016


ConferenceInternational Psychological Applications Conference and Trends 2016
Abbreviated titleInpact 2016
Internet address

    Research areas

  • security of a personality, economic risks, financial anxiety, fear of losing money, degree of financial freedom

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