The summary and progress on the main topic `Impact of energetic particles on the Earth atmosphere` covering tasks of WG3 of TOSCA COST ES1005 and the ISSI (International Space Science Institute) Team on `Specification of Ionization Sources Affecting Atmospheric Processes` during period of activities (2011-2015) will be presented here. The overview of the main advances will cover subjects defined as WG packages: - Observations of energetic particles in the Earth atmosphere. - Atmospheric ionization by energetic particles. - Impact of energetic particles on the global electric circuit. - Impact of energetic particles on aerosol and cloud formation. - Definition of energetic particles inputs for climate modeling. - Impact of energetic particles on climate. Finally open questions and summary coming out of the results of work will be presented as a conclusion.
Original languageEnglish
StatePublished - 2015
EventSolar Influences on the Magnetosphere, Ionosphere and Atmosphere. Seventh Workshop - Sunny Beach, Bulgaria
Duration: 31 May 20155 Jun 2015


WorkshopSolar Influences on the Magnetosphere, Ionosphere and Atmosphere. Seventh Workshop
CitySunny Beach
Internet address

    Research areas

  • солнечно-земные связи, ионизация атмосферы, атмосферные процессы

ID: 6934471