The popularity of Korean pop culture in the world can be considered an exceptional phenomenon of 2020. One should note that processes reflecting the effective interaction of state structures with the spheres of the creative industry in the modern economy have a special scientific potential at the moment. These creative industry spheres include art, cinema, animation, music, game development and software products. The most successful case in this area is the developed system of cultural media export in South Korea. Research into the economic opportunities of creative industries as a new stage in modern society is becoming a practically significant way to solve the problems of increasing the country's economic power in the Digital Age. The experience of South Korea is still insufficiently covered in Russian research. The practical significance of research in this field is associated with the study of the use of cultural products as a tool for economic growth.

Translated title of the contributionВлияние диверсификации медиаконтента на экономический потенциал государства: кейс Южной Кореи
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)187-199
Number of pages13
Issue numberExtra-D
StatePublished - 12 Aug 2021

    Research areas

  • Soft power, Korean wave, Cultural diplomacy, Image

ID: 84840952