Ice Complex deposits (locally known as the Buchchagy Ice Complex) are exposed at both coasts of the East Siberian Dmitry Laptev Strait and preserved below the Yedoma Ice Complex that formed during MIS3 and MIS2 (Marine Isotope Stage) and lateglacial-Holocene thermokarst deposits (MIS1). Radioisotope disequilibria (230Th/U) of peaty horizons date the Buchchagy Ice Complex deposition to 126 +16/-13 kyr and 117 +19/-14 kyr until 98 ±5 kyr and 89 ±5 kyr. The deposit is characterised by poorly-sorted medium-to-coarse silts with cryogenic structures of horizontal ice bands, lens-like, and lens-like reticulated segregation ice. Two peaty horizons within the Buchchagy Ice Complex and syngenetic ice wedges (2 to 4 m wide, up to 10 m high) are striking. The isotopic composition (δ18O, δD) of Buchchagy ice-wedge ice indicates winter conditions colder than during the MIS3 interstadial and warmer than during MIS2 stadial, and similar atmospheric winter moisture sources as during the MIS2 stadial. Buchchagy Ice Complex pol
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)298-311
Number of pages14
JournalQuaternary Science Reviews
StatePublished - 2016

    Research areas

  • cryostratigraphy, palaeoenvironments, 230Th/U dating, permafrost, Bol'shoy Lyakhovsky Island, Oyogos Yar, Beringia, MarineIsotope Stage 5

ID: 7548527