In any type of existing fluid model (``simple'', ``extended'' and so on) the electron ensemble is considered as a whole and is characterized by the averaged parameters, namely, the averaged density, averaged energy (temperature), and averaged directional drift velocity. However, in reality the EDF in the near-cathode region is nonlocal, such that the different electron groups (especially the fast electrons emerged from the cathode layer) behave differently and separate from each others. Accordingly, they cannot be described by averaged parameters and kinetic analysis is needed. We developed and tested a simple hybrid model for a glow discharge, which incorporates nonlocal ionization by fast electrons into the fluid framework, and thereby overcomes the fundamental shortcomings of the fluid model. At the same time, proposed model is computationally much more efficient compared to the models involving Monte Carlo simulations. Calculations have been performed for an argon gas. Comparison with the experimental dat
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)PR1.00021
JournalBulletin of the American Physical Society
Issue number8
StatePublished - 2012

ID: 5402973