The research is aimed at the problem of human speech representation in news texts of the XVIII century in close connection with the general evolution of the Russian literary language of this time. Contemporary media texts genetically come from the journalistic texts of the previous time, their stylistic comparison demonstrates the general communicative inheritance, and as a result, it is necessary to deeply understand the stylistic characteristics of the journalistic texts in the initial stage of the Russian press birth on the whole and the Russian news journalism in particular. The change of stylistic paradigm with stylistic difference and structural inhomogenuity of the language resources led to the increase of the role of the language stylistic resources, called to both supporting the transformation of typical communicative forms between the government and the society and creating new type of communication: journalistic one, which did not exist in Russia until the early XVIII century. It is journalism which gradually became not only the broadcaster of news
information, but the pathfinder of the new approach to person: on the one hand, as the bearer of type-formed collective consciousness, on the other hand, as the manifestation of individuality. One of the merits of the news press in the XVIII century is the refinement of the Russian stylistic potential, because the necessity of ideologically “correct” informational flow for the Russian reader demanded to widen the Russian stylistic resources – both language and textual ones. The analysis of the contemporary state of scientific works, devoted to the research of the journalistic language, allows concluding that stylistically news press of the XVIII century is still left unstudied (differing from political and fiction journalism) – especially in the aspect of speech representation of a person. It is necessary to create the complex description of stylistic peculiarities of anthropocentrism in journalism within the key for the Russian society development cultural and historical period. The speech representation of human in news texts of the XVIII century sets a scientific problem in that case, the decision of which being both necessary and challenging, because it is impossible to exclude the human beginning from any human activity, including journalism.
Original languageEnglish
Subtitle of host publicationPROCEEDINGS of the 12th All-Russian Research and Methodological Conference with International Participation, Moscow, Institute of Foreign Languages, RUDN University, March 27th, 2020
Place of PublicationMoscow
StatePublished - 2020
EventCurrent Issues in Modern Linguistics and the Humanities: The 12th All-Russian Research and Methodological Conference with International Participation: - РУДН, Москва, Russian Federation
Duration: 27 Mar 202027 Mar 2020
Conference number: 12


ConferenceCurrent Issues in Modern Linguistics and the Humanities
Country/TerritoryRussian Federation
Internet address

ID: 53837287