Human settlement within the landscapes of the Altai Mountains, especially in ancient times depended on natural factors. Change in natural conditions led to the mobility of people. This paper analyzes the identification of the relationship between landscapes and placement of cultures in the territory of the Altai Mountains in the Holocene. Additionally, the rhythms of Holocene climate change in the mountains are taken into account. To reach the aim of the study the landscape-archaeological GIS was created. The database of archaeological sites was created with the help of literature sources, archive materials and own field studies. The landscape maps were used to characterize the environmental conditions. The distribution of archaeological sites by types of landscapes proves that the reclaiming of landscapes was irregular in both space and time. There were periods of relative regression because of climatic, political and military factors. Comparison of climatic periods and stages of human exploration of the natural landscape shows that the most active development was during the periods of moist climate.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)176-193
Number of pages18
JournalQuaternary International
Issue numberPart A
StatePublished - 15 Mar 2018

    Scopus subject areas

  • Earth-Surface Processes

    Research areas

  • Altai Mountains, Archaeological sites, Climate change in the Holocene, GIS, Landscapes

ID: 35152347