Homotopy classes of mappings of a space X to the circle T form an Abelian group B(X) (the Bruschlinsky group). If a: X → T is a continuous mapping, then [a] denotes the homotopy class of a, and Ir(a): (X × T)r→ → ℤ is the indicator function of the rth Cartesian power of the graph of a. Let C be an Abelian group and let f: B(X) → C be a mapping. By definition, f has order not greater than r if the correspondence Ir(a) → f([a]) extends to a (partly defined) homomorphism from the Abelian group of ℤ-valued functions on (X × T)r to C. It is proved that the order of f equals the algebraic degree of f. (A mapping between Abelian groups has degree at most r if all of its finite differences of order r +1 vanish.) Bibliography: 2 titles.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)609-619
Number of pages11
JournalJournal of Mathematical Sciences
Issue number5
StatePublished - 1 Jun 2011

    Scopus subject areas

  • Statistics and Probability
  • Mathematics(all)
  • Applied Mathematics

ID: 49886404