The article is dedicated to the study of Romance languages (Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese) and Russian phraseological units with the ethnonym component.The opposition “One of Us – Stranger” reflects stereotype visions of strangers. These visions are connected to the historical and cultural associations and contain evaluating as a rule negative opinions about the object of speech. The paper describes phraseological heterostereotypes which exist in the countries of the Roman world and in Russia and concern each other and the representatives of the other nations. Paremias and macrotoponyms are taken for characterizing of ethnostereotypes.
Original languageSpanish
Title of host publicationFraseologia e Paremiologia.Prospettive evoluitve, pragmatica e concettualizzazione
EditorsOana Dana Balas
Place of PublicationRiga, Lettonia
PublisherEdizioni Accademiche Italiane
ISBN (Electronic)978-3-330-78142-9
StatePublished - 2019

    Scopus subject areas

  • Arts and Humanities(all)

ID: 40963389