• A. A. Andreev
  • V. G. Borodin
  • V. N. Chernov
  • V. Charukhchev
  • V. M. Komarov
  • V. A. Malinov
  • V. M. Migel
  • N. V. Nikitin
  • K. Yu Platonov

It was found that maximum particle output and best possible spatial uniformity of proton beam took place for two-layer target when the front layer was the high-Z film. It was shown that the ion radiography of the convenient objects with using the two-layer targets allow to get the projecting pictures with high spatial resolution that was about one micron. Threshold spatial sensitivity of proton radiography is estimated.

Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationProceedings - IFSA 2005
Subtitle of host publicationInertial Fusion Sciences and Applications 2005
Number of pages4
StatePublished - Jun 2006
EventIFSA 2005: Inertial Fusion Sciences and Applications 2005 - Biarritz, France
Duration: 4 Sep 20059 Sep 2005

Publication series

NameJournal De Physique. IV : JP
ISSN (Print)1155-4339
ISSN (Electronic)1764-7177


ConferenceIFSA 2005: Inertial Fusion Sciences and Applications 2005

    Scopus subject areas

  • Physics and Astronomy(all)

ID: 85668332