Grain refinement and precipitation hardening play critical important role for stabilization and improving functional properties of shape memory alloys. However, the relationship between precipitation and nanocrystalline grain growth behavior in NiTiHf alloys is still unclear. This work aims to investigate the role of precipitation in the nanocrystalline grain growth behavior of HPT-processed Ni50Ti30Hf20 high-temperature shape memory alloy. An abnormally low grain growth rate (n = 0.08) was observed after post-deformation annealing (PDA) at 550 °C for 1 h. It was proposed that grain growth suppression may be caused by the presence of relatively large H-phase precipitates, which act as barriers to grain boundary movement. A detailed analysis of the grain growth kinetics during PDA suggests that the coarsening process is controlled by Ni diffusion. Additionally, the dependence of strength and transformation temperatures on grain size in NiTiHf alloy is found to follow the Hall-Petch relation with some exceptions due to H-phase precipitation. The results of this research may be useful for the development of methods and strategies to stabilize the nanocrystalline structure in metallic materials. © 2024 Elsevier B.V.
Original languageEnglish
Article number147478
JournalMaterials Science and Engineering: A
StatePublished - Dec 2024

    Research areas

  • Grain growth, High temperature shape memory alloy, High-pressure torsion, NiTiHf, Severe plastic deformation, Brinell Hardness, Coarsening, Grain boundaries, Grain refinement, Hafnium alloys, Nanocrystalline alloys, Nanocrystals, Nickel alloys, Shape-memory alloy, Torsional stress, 20 highs, Functional properties, Grain growth behavior, Grains refinement, High pressure torsions, High-temperature shape memory alloys, Nanocrystalline grain growths, Post-deformation annealing, Severe plastic deformations, Shape-memory, Titanium alloys

ID: 127101523