The journalism education today is faced with the challenge of producing the new type of international journalist, and in Russia this task is complicated by the existence of the Soviet legacy, both in the in the field of foreign reporting as well as in the organization of the journalism education. The departments of international journalism at the mayor journalism schools in Russia (Moscow State University, Moscow State University of International Relations, and Saint Petersburg State University) traditionally have good expertise in preparing highly specialized journalists with profound knowledge of specific regions and they continue to adhere to this approach. At the same time, the new trend of educating a “universal” journalist appeared in the early 2000s and it is being strengthened by the implementation of the Bologna process. In this paper the authors aim to analyze the current demands of the media industry in Russia concerning international journalism, based on the results of a survey among the editors
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationGlocalization In The Education Of International Journalists: The Russian Perspective
Number of pages6
StatePublished - 2013

    Research areas

  • journalism education, glocalization, international journalism, Russia

ID: 7407766