The world has learned from anti-globalists that it is global. Transnational business, joint financial resources, the planetary systems
of information and communications, international scientific projects, and political unions without boundaries and cordons are the
objective reality. They are the current level of the development of civilization. However, today, public opinion on these processes is
formed by political technologies and the populists of protesting rather than independent scientists and experts. This has resulted in
a mass trendy international social and political movement. The supporters of rather incompatible ideologies have gathered under the
flag of fighting for justice: from national sovereignty and cultural and national identity to universal equality and individual freedom.
Paradoxically, anti-globalization globally unites the representatives of most states, nations, and worldviews… It unites people of
different ages, income, status, culture, education, and intellect… The large-scale threats to humanity realized by the participants of this movement will inevitably lead to the awareness of the need for planetary association not only to fight for justice, but also for the self-preservation of the human population on the Earth. Today, it is absurd to deny that the global world is the reality. There is an urgent need for perfecting, improving, and transforming it. Ideologically, the opposition to globalism is underpinned by scientific
substantiation and moral distinctiveness. It is possible to minimize its destructive part by balancing the distribution of natural and produced benefits, resources, and incomes at the planetary level.
Translated title of the contributionГлобальность антиглобализма как парадокс и стартовая точка перезагрузки философии планетарного развития
Original languageEnglish
Number of pages1
StatePublished - 29 Mar 2019
EventThe 10th Asian Conference on the Arts & Humanities (ACAH2019). Tokyo, Japan: The theme of the Conference "Reclaiming the Future" - Toshi Center , Tokyo, Japan, Токио, Japan
Duration: 29 Mar 201930 Mar 2019
Conference number: 10


ConferenceThe 10th Asian Conference on the Arts & Humanities (ACAH2019). Tokyo, Japan
Abbreviated titleACAH 2019
Internet address

    Scopus subject areas

  • Social Sciences(all)

ID: 49222504