The initial stage of development had started in the late XIX century and finished by the year 1925 when the Department of geomorphology was completely organized within SPbSU (LSU-Leningrad State University-in those years). The second stage-1925-1941-can be called a prewar one. During these times, the Department of geomorphology which was having been under the supervision of Ya.S. Edelstein and I. N. Gladtsin contributed a lot to the national development of geomorphology, paleogeography, Quaternary geology and other related studies. The third stage-1941-1954-covered war and post-war periods of development. This can be called a saving stage. Most of these difficult times, I. I. Babkov was a true head of the Department, including evacuation period in Saratov. The fourth stage of development lasted until the late 1980s-evolutionary period. It was characterized by a number of scientific achievements and by a whole galaxy of graduates, some of which are now further developing the geomorphology. S. S. Schultz created a school of neotectonics-in continuation of the ideas by M. M. Tetyaev. The contemporary stage of development has started in early 1990s and closely connected with fruitful morphology studies by A. A. Lastochkin. In general we can say that a hundred years' path of the Department of geomorphology of SPbSU is marked by a huge number of various achievements: establishment of new scientific branches and schools, laboratories and education profiles, publication of outstanding scientific papers and textbooks, education of scientists, developing geomorphology and other geosciences in the country and around the world.

Original languageRussian
Pages (from-to)108-120
Number of pages13
JournalВестник Санкт-Петербургского университета. Науки о Земле
Issue number1
StatePublished - 1 Jan 2015

    Scopus subject areas

  • Geology
  • Earth and Planetary Sciences(all)

    Research areas

  • Centenary of geomorphology, Five stages.

ID: 52282842