We give a survey of recent results about properties of systems of reproducing kernels in Paley–Wiener spaces, de Branges spaces and Fock spaces. In particular, we consider completeness of biorthogonal systems and spectral synthesis property for such systems.

Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationExtended Abstracts Fall 2019
Subtitle of host publicationSpaces of Analytic Functions: Approximation, Interpolation, Sampling
PublisherBirkhäuser Verlag AG
Number of pages6
ISBN (Electronic)978-3-030-74417-5
ISBN (Print)978-3-030-74416-8
StatePublished - 2021

Publication series

NameTrends in Mathematics
ISSN (Print)2297-0215
ISSN (Electronic)2297-024X

    Scopus subject areas

  • Mathematics(all)

ID: 89233297