• A. Yu Lein
  • P. Vogt
  • K. Crane
  • A. V. Egorov
  • N. V. Pimenov
  • A. S. Savichev
  • G. D. Ginsburg
  • G. I. Ivanov
  • G. A. Cherkashev

Geochemical and microbiological research was conducted on surficial (0-3 m) deposits of the Haakon Mosby Mud Volcano (HMMV), situated at 72°N in a slide valley that is cut into the alluvial fan of Bjørnøya Island on a passive continental margin at a depth of 1250 m in the Norwegian Sea. Deposits of the central zone of the HMMV crater are warmed to 15°C and contain free hydrocarbons (99.9% CH4 with δ13C = -59.2‰ and δD = -243‰); surface deposits on the periphery of the crater contain up to 24 vol% CH4 hydrates (δ13C = -60.6‰). No bacterial methanogenesis (in situ) occurs either in HMMV deposits or in the glacial drift that surrounds the volcano. Presumably, CH4 is generated by heat-induced synthesis in preglacial sedimentary rocks at depths exceeding 3 km. Bacterial oxidation of methane in rocks of the outer HMMV margin at a rate of up to 18 μl CH4 m-2 day-1 leads to the formation of carbonate nodules (δ13C = -25.8‰; δ18O = -35.4‰) and to the development of the benthic community (δ13Corg(biomass) = -35.0‰). Deposits with hydrocarbons contain migratory H2S and its derivatives (δ34SFeS2 = -4.36‰). The chemical and isotopic compositions of HMMV pore waters are typical of deposits with CH4 hydrates. They are depleted in Cl- (up to 250 mM, M = mole per liter), SO2- 4, Ca2+, and Mg2+, but have high Alk and are enriched in NH+ 4, Na+, Br-, and J-; δ18 OH2O = 0.00‰; δDH2O = -15 to -19‰, and δ13CHCO3 = 1.9-2.5‰. Pore waters were found to contain seawater, juvenile fluid, and water produced by dissociation of gas hydrates. A four-stage model is proposed for the formation of the HMMV fluid: (1) a primary abyssal brine of the "oil water" type undergoes double mixing with seawater while ascending in the course of mud diapirism; (2) as a result, a subsurface layer of gas hydrates is generated and then destroyed, producing (3) a gas hydrate field on the seafloor. The last stage (4) involves the formation of pore fluids in the center of the crater owing to heat flow, which causes gas hydrates to dissociate and introduces a fluid with a higher concentration of Cl- (353 mM). In order to refine this model and calculate the budget of the fluid, additional investigations are required.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)190-208
Number of pages19
JournalGeochemistry International
Issue number3
StatePublished - 1 Jan 1998
Externally publishedYes

    Scopus subject areas

  • Geochemistry and Petrology
  • Geophysics

ID: 35876877