The effect of substitution of cobalt by iron in perovskite-type oxides GdCo xFe 1-xO 3 (х = 0; 0.5 and 1) on their physical properties and catalytic performance in dry reforming of methane (DRM) was investigated. The perovskites were synthesized by sol-gel technology and characterized by XRD, DTG/TG, BET specific area, TPR and SEM. It was established that the introduction of cobalt into the B site of the perovskite-type structure of ferrite leads to an increase in catalytic performance, and, consequently, to a decrease in the process temperature. It was found that catalytic activity depends on the proportion of cobalt in the B site and increases in the row: GdFeO 3 < GdCo 0.5Fe 0.5O 3 < GdCoO 3. Probably, such behavior of Co-containing catalysts is associated with the formation and stabilization of a more catalytically active Co–Gd 2O 3 system under the action of the reaction mixture. It has been assumed that the element in A-site (Gd) is responsible for dissociative chemisorption of CO 2 and ions in site B (Fe and Co) are responsible for the formation of atomic hydrogen.

Translated title of the contributionGd-Co-Fe содержащие смешанные оксиды со структурой перовскита как катализаторы для углекислотной конверсии метана
Original languageEnglish
Article number100897
Number of pages11
JournalSustainable Chemistry and Pharmacy
StatePublished - Dec 2022

    Research areas

  • Carbon dioxide, Cobalt., Ferrites, Hydrogen production, Methane dry reforming, Perovskite mixed oxides, Syngas

    Scopus subject areas

  • Pollution
  • Management, Monitoring, Policy and Law
  • Environmental Chemistry
  • Pharmaceutical Science

ID: 100124791