Education development objectives are substantial for any modern state and successful transformation of the educational sector is essential for socio-economic and socio-political development of Russian Federation. The paper focuses on the use of game-theoretic models of competition and cooperation between educational institutions for research of the problems and patterns of development of the economy of higher education in the situation of economic recession. Two basic situations are considered. Firstly, universities’ cooperation can be defined as resource, methodological and (or) material base sharing such as joint access to international libraries and databases, organizing courses with guest lecturers, etc. Secondly, we can understand universities' consolidation as cooperation. The latter becomes especially relevant due to current reorganization of the higher education sphere in Russian Federation including strengthening government requirements to quality and structure of vocational and higher education and
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationCollected abstracts of papers presented of The Eleventh Interna-tional Conference Game Theory and Management. GTM2017. 28–30 June, 2017.
PublisherИздательство Санкт-Петербургского университета
StatePublished - 2017
EventThe Eleventh International Conference Game Theory And Management - St.Petersburg, Russian Federation
Duration: 28 Jun 201730 Jun 2017


ConferenceThe Eleventh International Conference Game Theory And Management
Abbreviated titleGTM2017
Country/TerritoryRussian Federation

    Research areas

  • cooperative gamesstochastic cooperative gamesmathematic modeling of higher education sphere

ID: 7756419