The local approximation for EDF is widely used for the obtaining plasma characteristics with participation of electrons such as the rate coefficients [1]. As it was mentioned before when the local approximation is valid which results in dependencies of the rate constants for the different electron processes only from local electric field. In present work analysis of applicability criteria of the local approximation for EDF has been proceeded. It has been shown that standard criterion have to be completed by the relation between the ambipolar and heating electric fields (Eheat>>Eamb). But, it should be stressed that this condition is not fulfilled at high pressures at the discharge periphery and at any point of plasma volume at low gas pressures. In the present work computational simulation for argon gas has been proceeded to prove these assumptions. The model have been included processes such as the direct ionization, the electronic excitation from ground-state atoms, the step-wise ionization from metasta
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationBook of abstracts Plasma Sciences (ICOPS), 2015 IEEE International Conference
StatePublished - 2015

    Research areas

  • ambipipolar fieldelectron kinetics non-local EDF

ID: 4744547