We study the embedding theory being a formulation of the gravitation theory where the independent variable is the embedding function for the four-dimensional space-time in a flat ambient space. We do not impose additional constraints which are usually used to remove from the theory the extra solutions not being the solutions of Einstein equations. In order to show the possibility of automatic removal of these extra solutions we analyze the equations of the theory, assuming an inflation period during the expansion of the Universe. In the framework of FRW symmetry we study the initial conditions for the inflation, and we show that after its termination the Einstein equations begin to satisfy with a very high precision. The properties of the theory equations allow us to suppose with confidence that the Einstein equations will satisfy with enough precision out of the framework of FRW symmetry as well. Thus the embedding theory can be considered as a theory of gravity which explains observed facts without any addi
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)1250043_1-19
JournalInternational Journal of Modern Physics D
Issue number5
StatePublished - 2012

    Research areas

  • Gravitation theory, isometric embedding, inflation, FRW symmetry.

ID: 5327307