Processes of globalisation, liberalisation and concentration of the financial capital, have generated new outlines of a world economy. The financial convergence as a new phenomena of contemporary financial system presupposes assimilation of banks, insurance, investment, pension funds, etc. and allows three basic forms of financial conglomerates coexistence: bankassurance, assurfinance, allfinance, meaning transition from product-oriented to client-oriented strategy of the integrated financial products sales. Financial conglomerates create specific risk management strategy which regulates: consumption market risk, potential conflict of partners’ interests, informational technologies risk, deregulation risk.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationCurrent issues in Management of business and society development. Proceedings of the conference 5-7.05.2011
StatePublished - 2011
Externally publishedYes

    Research areas

  • financial convergence, financial conglomerate, risk management.

ID: 4514535