The influence of a random environment on the dynamics of a fluctuating rough surface is investigated using the field theoretic renormalization group. The environment motion is modelled by the stochastic Navier–Stokes equation, which includes both a fluid in thermal equilibrium and a turbulent fluid. The surface is described by the generalized Pavlik’s stochastic equation. As a result of the renormalizability requirement, the model necessarily involves an infinite number of coupling constants. The one-loop counterterm is derived in an explicit closed form. The corresponding renormalization group equations demonstrate the existence of three two-dimensional surfaces of fixed points in the infinite-dimensional parameter space. If the surfaces contain IR attractive regions, the model allows for a large-scale, long-time scaling behaviour. For the first surface (advection is irrelevant) the critical dimensions of the height field Δh, the response field Δh′ and the frequency Δω are non-universal through the dependence on the effective couplings. For the other two surfaces (advection is relevant) these dimensions appear to be universal and are found exactly.
Original languageEnglish
Article number33
JournalJournal of Statistical Physics
Issue number2
StatePublished - 14 Feb 2025

    Research areas

  • Growth phenomena, Renormalizability, Renormalization group, Scaling behaviour

ID: 132274850