Objective of the study was to conduct a biomechanical analysis of the chest throw under competitive conditions. 4 Methods and structure of the study. For biomechanical analysis, a video record¬ing of the performance of the Honored Master of Sports, three-time Olympic champion Alexander Karelin at the 1993 Greco-Roman Wrestling World Cham¬pionship in Stockholm was used [5]. The part of the video recording that was subjected to the study was divided into cyclograms, and for each cyclogram, the coordinates of the center of gravity of each athlete were determined. Based on the obtained coordinates, the trajectories of the centers of gravity were constructed. A total of 44 cyclograms were analyzed. 5 Results and conclusions. The studied throw belongs to the combinable group of techniques and includes a combination of a lever and a block. The trajectory of the center of mass of each athlete shows that before the reception, the center of mass of the attacked athlete is swinging. In this case, the attacking athlete uses his own mass. In addition, in the process of performing a throw, the center of mass of the attacking athlete shifts away from the trajectory of the opponent's center of mass, that is, the attacking athlete actually gives way to the opponent's fall. The obtained results of the study can be used in the training process of wrestlers.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)12-13
Number of pages2
JournalTeoriya i Praktika Fizicheskoy Kultury
Issue number7
StatePublished - 1 Jan 2022

ID: 115364358