The paper presents a puzzle about the licensing of the NPI bisyndetic coordinator in Russian: being in many respects similar to other Russian NPIs with ni-as prefix, itdoes not require negation to be present when it conjoins VPs. Starting with the hypothesisthat the semantics of ni-remains constant across different uses, I adapt the mechanismof NPI licensing proposed by Chierchia [2] to the needs of the puzzle. The central ideaof the proposal is that a token of ni splits the composition process into two processesrunning in parallel until the null operator licensing NPIs unites them back. Negation,whenever present, affects only one of those processes, whose result is then checked by thenull operator.

Original languageEnglish
Number of pages8
StatePublished - 2017
Event21st Amsterdam Colloquium, AC 2017 - Amsterdam, Netherlands
Duration: 20 Dec 201722 Dec 2017


Conference21st Amsterdam Colloquium, AC 2017

    Scopus subject areas

  • Computational Theory and Mathematics
  • Software

ID: 75023637