Analysis and particle-in-cell (PIC) simulations of fast particles produced by a short laser pulse with duration of 40 fs and intensity ≥ 1018 W/cm2 interacting with a foil target are performed. Initially, the plasma density distribution of the foil target has a smooth gradient with the scale-length of plasma density varying across it. The absorbed laser energy is transferred to fast electrons, which interact with the foil and are partially ejected from the foil surface. These electrons produce an electric field that causes an ion beam to be emitted from the foil. We analyze the different mechanisms of ion acceleration in the foil plasma and the influence of density gradient and other laser and plasma parameters on ion acceleration. The angular distributions of the ejected electrons and ions are calculated. The optimum laser-plasma parameters needed to achieve the most highly focused ion beam are analyzed.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)333-344
Number of pages12
JournalProceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering
StatePublished - 2003
EventECLIM 2002: 27th European Conference on Laser Interaction with Matter - Moscow, Russian Federation
Duration: 7 Oct 200211 Oct 2002

    Research areas

  • Fast electron, Fast ion, Ion jet, Particle-in-cell method, Ultra-intense laser

    Scopus subject areas

  • Electronic, Optical and Magnetic Materials
  • Condensed Matter Physics
  • Computer Science Applications
  • Applied Mathematics
  • Electrical and Electronic Engineering

ID: 86382794