The content of blood endogenous ethanol (EE), acetaldehyde (EA), the concentration and activity of liver alcohol dehydrogenase (ADH) and aldehyde dehydrogenase (ALDH) in seasons with maximum temperature differences (summer and winter) in wild mammals: small wild rodents - voles (V; n = 50), the large aboriginal northern animals - yakut horse (YH; n = 35) and reindeer (R; n = 35) were studied. The concentrations of EE and EA in animal blood were determined by gas chromatography with mass spectrometric detection (GCMS). The contents of EA and EE in blood were increased in northern animals in the winter and were significantly higher than in all seasons of the year than in laboratory rats. The seasonal changes were obtained in the level of metabolites associated with seasonal changes of catalytic parameters and physicochemical properties of ADH and ALDH. The differences in the mechanisms of seasonal activation of liver ADH and ALDH were found in R and YH.
Original languageEnglish
StatePublished - 2015
EventModern problems in systemic regulation of physiological functions. 4th International Interdisciplinary Conference - Москва, Russian Federation
Duration: 16 Sep 201517 Sep 2015


ConferenceModern problems in systemic regulation of physiological functions. 4th International Interdisciplinary Conference
Country/TerritoryRussian Federation
Internet address

    Research areas

  • endogenous ethanol and acetaldehyde, adaptation, North, alcoholdehydrogenase and aldehydedehydrogenase, wild animals.

ID: 6936428