• Vladislav Shtegman
  • Aleksandr Morozov
  • Alexander Freidin
  • Wolfgang H. Müller

An analytical model of electromigration and stress affected kinetics of a chemical reaction is investigated based on the notion of the chemical affinity tensor within the small strain approximation. Effects of stresses are accounted for through their influence on the chemical affinity tensor on which the reaction front velocity depends. Electromigration is considered as an additional summand in the total flux of the diffusive constituents. The Mean-Time-To-Failure (MTTF) is estimated based on Black's equation. Then the critical thickness of the IMC layer is calculated and a dimensionless parameter, which characterizes the accumulation of vacancies due to electromigration enhanced diffusion is proposed.

Translated title of the contributionЭлектромиграция и кинетика роста интерметаллидов Cu-Sn
Original languageEnglish
Article number030007
JournalAIP Conference Proceedings
Issue number1
StatePublished - 13 Jul 2021
Event29th Russian Conference on Mathematical Modeling in Natural Sciences, RuMoNaS 2020 - Perm, Russian Federation
Duration: 7 Oct 20209 Oct 2020

    Scopus subject areas

  • Physics and Astronomy(all)

ID: 86643751