The qualitative research presented in this paper aims at collecting and analyzing quality data regarding the current status and prospective evolution of e-finance services offered by the Russia's leading e-business and banking companies which are running businesses in the e-business sector. The analysis aims at the classification and examination of the current status of e-finance services, the possible ways of further evolution and also the risks that are inherent to the use of efinancial technology and services both for the banks and their customers. Analysis methodology incorporates information from three different but interrelated sources: product briefings, press releases, and other publically available information. The methodology, the classification and organization of domain concepts, validation issues, and the first pilot version of e-finance innovation services ontology is discussed.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationProceedings of the "Innovation for Financial Services Summit 2011"
Number of pages1
ISBN (Print)2-919941-13-5
StatePublished - 2011

ID: 4641391