• John M. Hunter
  • Kazunori Akiyama
  • Michael Johnson
  • Vincent Fish
  • Svetlana Jorstad
  • Alan Marscher
The Event Horizon Telescope (EHT) uses very long baselineinterferometry (VLBI) at 230 GHz to image regions near supermassiveblack holes in the centers of galaxies. Currently, this array is able tohandle nearby sources, such as Sagittarius A* and M87, due to theirlarge angular size and large black hole mass in the case of M87.However, we hope that the EHT will be able to handle a larger number ofdiffering sources as more telescopes are added. New imaging techniquesare being developed to exploit the full potential of the EHT's highangular resolution and also offer the promise of improving the imagequality of lower-frequency VLBI data. In order to accomplish this, weare developing a pipeline in the sparse modeling imaging library (smili)that takes real Very Long Baseline Array (VLBA) data of the parsec-scalejet of the blazar 3C 273 at both 43 and 15 GHz and dynamicallyreconstructs the evolution of its jet over 10 and 22 years,respectively. We then conduct a wavelet-based decomposition and analysisof significant structural patterns in the jet by implementing a newlydeveloped wavelet-based image structure evaluation (WISE) algorithm intosmili. We find that our new pipeline is able to handle the changingpatterns of intensity typical of blazars with accuracy and smoothness inframe-to-frame reconstruction. We also report a number of interestingfindings concerning the behavior of knot generation, velocity andacceleration profiles of the jet, and lifetimes of these knots.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationAAS Meeting #233
StatePublished - Jan 2019
Externally publishedYes

ID: 114497652