. This work presents results of the experimental and theoretical study of dynamic strength effects of quasi brittle failure. The results of dynamic compression and splitting of some rocks (gabbro, granite, marble), as well as dry, water-saturated and frozen limestone and concrete are discussed. The tests were conducted using the Split-Hopkinson pressure bar with the diameter of 20 mm. It is shown that one material (or its condition) can have a lower dynamic strength for a higher static strength compared to the other material (or its condition). Also, it is shown a small dependence of the threshold limit stress on the stress pulse duration. An unified interpretation of the experimental results, based on the structural-temporal approach is presented.

Original languageEnglish
Number of pages2
StatePublished - 1 Jan 2017
Event14th International Conference on Fracture, ICF 2017 - Rhodes, Greece
Duration: 18 Jun 201720 Jun 2017


Conference14th International Conference on Fracture, ICF 2017

    Scopus subject areas

  • Civil and Structural Engineering
  • Building and Construction

ID: 43361140