Let θ be an inner function satisfying the connected level set condition of B. Cohn, and let Kθ1 be the shift-coinvariant subspace of the Hardy space H1 generated by θ. We describe the dual space to Kθ1 in terms of a bounded mean oscillation with respect to the Clark measure σα of θ. Namely, we prove that (Kθ1∩zH1)*=BMO(σα). The result yields a two-sided estimate for the operator norm of a finite Hankel matrix of size n×n via BMO(μ2n)-norm of its standard symbol, where μ2n is the Haar measure on the group {ξ∈C:ξ2n=1}.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)62-90
Number of pages29
JournalAdvances in Mathematics
StatePublished - 5 Feb 2015

    Research areas

  • Atomic Hardy space, Bounded mean oscillation, Clark measure, Discrete Hilbert transform, Inner function, Truncated Hankel operators

    Scopus subject areas

  • Mathematics(all)

ID: 36321023