Dragon King (龍王) is a name of a deity or a number of deities of the Chinese folksy religion. These deities are closely connected with the element of water and have emerged in the major association with Buddhist and Taoist beliefs, which have influenced the Dragon King’s cult a lot. Along with that the basement of this cult — beliefs in Dragon as a beneficial and favored creature — can not be limited by the issues of one religious school and date back to the earliest beginnings of the Chinese civilization. The paper covers the main stages of development of Dragon King’s worship, traces its main connections with orthodox Buddhist and Taoist concepts and illustrates the peculiarities of the final pattern with the samples from pieces of the classical Chinese literature. Speaking of the Dragon’s Daughter, though the mainstream beliefs here have always been pure Buddhist, the final religious model also tends to be typical folksy and very far from the original content. The main conclusion of the paper can be formula
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationCollection of Papers from the Third International Conference on Chinese Studies “The Silk Road”
PublisherSofia University "St. Kliment Ohridsky"
ISBN (Print)1314-9865
StatePublished - 2015
Externally publishedYes

    Research areas

  • Китай, литература, верования, буддизм, дракон, даосизм, религия, история

ID: 4776866