The popularity of tourism as a factor of socio-economic development, the diversity and accessibility of tourism resources in the world strengthens competition between world tourist destinations for tourist arrivals. Meanwhile, the formation of a sustainable tourist flow as well as the return on investment in further development of tourism infrastructure projects require the solution of such common problems for developing destinations as a season factor of tourist arrivals and length of a tourist's stay. The key role of the tourist product diversification as one of non-price methods of regions competition for tourist arrivals is under discussion in the paper. The studies been carried out to substantiate regional tourism development strategies which was based on the structural and functional analysis of regional tourist and recreational systems, reveal the role of the regional tourist product diversifying as a way of equalizing the seasonal and spatial irregularity of the tourist flow. The work also examines examples of product innovations of tourist operators using diversification of recreational activity cycles as a way to increase the duration of tourist stays in the destination. The models for ensuring a new quality of the infrastructure complex in the Russian regions for a sustainable tourist flow formation are presented. On the base of examples of the spatial strategies for the development of tourist and recreational space implementation, such as the strategy of radial advancement, the strategy of transport corridors, the dot strategy, and the strategy of regional breakthroughs the models for ensuring the required quality of the infrastructure complex in the regions of the Russian Federation for the formation of sustainable tourism in them.
Translated title of the contributionДиверсификация туристского продукта как направление региональной стратегии развития туризма
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publication5th International Multidisciplinary Scientific Conference on Social Sciences and Arts SGEM 2018
Subtitle of host publication26 August - 01 September, 2018
PublisherSTEF92 Technology Ltd.
Number of pages8
ISBN (Electronic)978-619-7408-59-1
StatePublished - 9 Nov 2018
Event5th International Multidisciplinary Scientific Conference on Social Sciences and Arts, 19 - 21 March, Vienna - Vienna, Austria
Duration: 19 Mar 201821 Mar 2018
Conference number: 5


Conference5th International Multidisciplinary Scientific Conference on Social Sciences and Arts, 19 - 21 March, Vienna
Abbreviated titleSGEM 2018
Internet address

ID: 48986278