Structure and mechanisms of cognitive reserve can be considered as the psychological and behavioural resources for optimal cognitive functioning of older adults and thus increase their quality of life. We hypothesized that some activities that improve cognitive functioning in Western societies can have no
effect in Russian sample, but the general structure was expected to be confirmed. Study aimed to investigate activities that are reported to form cognitive reserve in Western studies, to estimate their value for the overall cognitive reserve score, their frequencies and structure. We controlled for sex, gender and social and economic conditions to reveal most prominent activities that support optimal cognitive aging. Methods were Cognitive Reserve Index questionnaire (CRIq), MOCA test, demographic survey.
Subjects: 215 older adults aged 60-89 (Mage=74; 70,4% - females). Results suggest that for Russian older adults’ education and professional activities, consistently with Western studies, play significant role in the Structure and mechanisms of cognitive reserve can be considered as the psychological and behavioural resources for optimal cognitive functioning of older adults and thus increase their quality of life. We hypothesized that some activities that improve cognitive functioning in Western societies can have no effect in Russian sample, but the general structure was expected to be confirmed. Study aimed to investigate activities that are reported to form cognitive reserve in Western studies, to estimate their value for the overall cognitive reserve score, their frequencies and structure. We controlled for sex, gender and social and economic conditions to reveal most prominent activities that support optimal cognitive aging. Methods were Cognitive Reserve Index questionnaire (CRIq), MOCA test, demographic survey. Subjects: 215 older adults aged 60-89 (Mage=74; 70,4% - females). Results suggest that for Russian older adults’ education and professional activities, consistently with Western studies, play significant role in the formation of cognitive reserve. We found that Leisure activities have some differences, particularly, Russian older adults dedicate less time to their private activities and more time to reading comparing to results reported in Western studies. Our study confirmed the overall structure of cognitive reserve suggested by Nucci. We found that all the activities in the model have significant effects for cognitive reserve score. We revealed that structure of cognitive reserve in Russian sample gave some differences in the effect sizes.Russian older adults dedicate less time to their private activities and more time to reading comparing to results reported in Western studies. Our study confirmed the overall structure of cognitive reserve suggested by Nucci. We found that all the activities in the model have significant effects for cognitive
reserve score. We revealed that structure of cognitive reserve in Russian sample gave some differences in the effect sizes.
Original languageEnglish
Article number45
Pages (from-to)413-420
JournalThe European Proceedings of Social & Behavioural Sciences Ep-SBS
StatePublished - 20 Feb 2019
EventThe 7th Annual International Conference “Cognitive-Social and Behavioural Sciences” - Moscow, Russian Federation
Duration: 12 Nov 201814 Nov 2018

    Research areas

  • Cognitive reserve, cognitive aging, optimal aging

ID: 46110421