In this article the authors make a review of history of tourism in Sudan from its beginning as an industry and to the present time. When conducting the research the authors relied on books of Arabic and Russian historians, geographers and travelers, whose life path was connected with Sudan and the Arabic world.
Translated title of the contributionРазвитие туристического сектора в Судане ( 1898-2017)
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationНовейшие тенденции в науке и образовании
Subtitle of host publicationСборник статей по материалам международной научно-практической конференции
Place of PublicationИркутск
PublisherНаучное партнерство "Апекс"
StatePublished - 28 Mar 2017
EventНовейшие тенденции в науке и образовании - Сочи, Russian Federation
Duration: 28 Mar 201728 Mar 2017


ConferenceНовейшие тенденции в науке и образовании
Country/TerritoryRussian Federation

ID: 14366335