This paper investigates the impact of deoffshorizationon the market value of Russian companies. The methodology of event study was used. Three events were analyzed, including the announcement of intentions to leave offshores from several major companies and the introduction of anti-offshore legislation (December 2013-March 2014).We have not revealed any mutually significant market response to the selected events, since some of the firms faced positive cumulative abnormal returns, while the others encountered negative ones.At the same time, anempirical study showedevidence of significantnegative effect on the market value for several companies. It can be argued that the deoffshorizationimpact on companies depends to a large extent on the offshorestructure they use. Companies that are significantly exposed to deoffshorizationneed to adjust their strategy in order to counter potential negative consequences of this process.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationCBU International Conference Proceedings 2017: Innovations in Science and Education
Number of pages7
StatePublished - 2017

Publication series

NameCBU International Conference Proceedings 2017: Innovations in Science and Education
PublisherCentral Bohemia University
ISSN (Print)1805-997X
ISSN (Electronic)1805-9961

    Research areas

  • offshore, deoffshorization, deoffshorization policy, company valuation, WEB OF SCIENCE

ID: 9518127