

This study focused on investigating the schist rock-rich areas near the Singhbhum shear zone in Ghatshila, Jharkhand. The objective was to identify sheared, fractured, and highly foliated schist rocks in both shallow and deeper horizons. Electrical resistivity tomography (ERT) measurements were conducted using a 2x21 electrode configuration, with nine profiles covering inter-electrode spacings ranging from 3 m to 10 m. The data were inverted using a newly developed code called Anisotropic DC resistivity Forward and Inverse (ADCFI) to perform the 2D isotropic and anisotropic inversion.
The results of the 2D anisotropic inversion in Ghatshila revealed the presence of high anisotropy coefficients beyond a depth of 20 m. This depth coincided with the appearance of chalcopyrite-containing strata, suggesting a layered deposition resulting from a volcanogenic environment. The presence of schistic rocks in the shallow borehole depths also contributed to the observed anisotropy. Notably, regions with higher anisotropy exhibited thicker layers in the isotropic section compared to the anisotropic section across all profiles.
Two ERT profiles were measured at nearly perpendicular orientations, and the interpreted 2D sections along these profiles indicated non-continuous resistivity values at their intersection. Additionally, areas with discontinuous resistivity values demonstrated anisotropy coefficients greater than one, indicating significant anisotropy in those regions. The irregular resistivity values further supported the presence of strong anisotropy in the area.
The anisotropy coefficient values obtained in the schist rock-abundant areas in Ghatshila were approximately 2.00. This high anisotropy can be attributed to the foliation and schistosity of the predominant rock type, namely schist. These findings enhance our understanding of the geological characteristics and anisotropic behavior of the studied region, which has implications for geological mapping and resource exploration.
Translated title of the contributionОпределение анизотропии удельного сопротивления сланцев по данным электротомографии в зоне сдвига Сигбхум, Гатшила
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publication2nd Indian Near Surface Geophysics Conference & Exhibition 7-8 November 2023 • New Delhi, India
Number of pages5
StatePublished - 7 Nov 2023
Event2nd Indian Near Surface Geophysics Conference & Exhibition - Нью Дели, Нью Дели, India
Duration: 7 Nov 20238 Nov 2023
Conference number: 2


Conference2nd Indian Near Surface Geophysics Conference & Exhibition
CityНью Дели
Internet address

ID: 114106961