A principal objective of our work was to illustrate the existence of unknown trends in the ECB=f(Ebg) and the EVB=f(Ebg) behavior for certain classes of compounds that also included a set of bismuthate photocatalysts; new trends may easily be hidden within more general trends. Indeed, when the data for the bismuthates are added to data related to novel visible-light-active (VLA) photocatalysts, the trend remains the same with high significance levels for the EVB=f(Ebg) linear correlation. Using well-known data for complex (ternary) oxides, the search for new trends in the behavior of the ECB=f(Ebg) and the EVB=f(Ebg) dependences opens up the potential to develop new VLA photocatalysts. The feasibility of new desired trends can be estimated a priori using a modern theoretical analysis of the electronic structure of targeted semiconductors; note that new trends in the behavior of ECB and EVB versus bandgap energy EBG have been established for CaBi6O10, Sr2Bi2O5, Sr3Bi2O6, and Sr6Bi2O11. We also re-examined earlier symmetric-type plots for a set consisting of a large number of simple (binary) and a set consisting of complex (ternary) metal oxides and find some significant differences. We herein report a novel trend in the empirical dependence of the energy positions of conduction bands (ECB) and valence bands (EVB) on bandgap energies (Ebg) for alkali earth metal bismuthate semiconductor photocatalysts for which we show that their dependences follow the linear functions ECB=A+BEbg and EVB=a+bEbg. However, contrary to earlier symmetric relationships of some metal oxides for which A=a=1.23 eV, B=−0.5, and b=0.5 toward water splitting, the relationships found for the bismuthates show them to be asymmetric with negative slopes (B<0, b<0) and a converging point A=a=4.5 eV. Also re-examined are the earlier symmetric-type plots for a set consisting of a large number of simple (binary) and a set consisting of complex (ternary) metal oxides and find some significant differences. Variations in both slopes (B<0 and b>0) and the converging point (1.4 eV<A=a<2.0 eV) is demonstrated. The photoactivity of some strontium bismuthates is predicted toward the photoelectrochemical reduction of CO2 from the novel trend in behavior of their bands’ energy positions relative to their bandgap energies.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)3534-3541
Issue number15
Early online date11 Jun 2019
StatePublished - 2019

    Research areas

  • Bandgap energies, Binary and ternary metal-oxide photocatalysts, Bismuthate photocatalysts, Conduction and valence band energies, Matsumoto plots, SYSTEM, OXIDE, SEMICONDUCTORS, LIGHT, 1ST-PRINCIPLES, GAP, PURIFICATION, DEGRADATION, ELECTRONIC-STRUCTURE, TIO2

    Scopus subject areas

  • Catalysis
  • Inorganic Chemistry
  • Physical and Theoretical Chemistry
  • Organic Chemistry

ID: 45449311