Crystals of potassium titanyl phosphate KTiOPO4 (KTP) and its solid solutions
continues to attract attention as promising nonlinear materials for different
applications, particularly as active elements of optical radiation transmitters
and light modulators. Oxygen nonstoichiometry in KTP crystals along the
crystallographic z-axis results the superionic conductivity of potassium ions K+
in lattice.
KTP, KRTP (KxRb1-xTiOPO4), KTPF (KTiOxF1-xPO4) crystals were grown
using a modified Czochralski method at varied temperature. The study of
superionic conductivity of monovalent K+ revealed the dependence of the ionic
conductivity on the composition, conditions of growth and temperature.
Activation energy (Ea) of process of potassium conductivity was calculated.
The potassium conductivity was measured using impedance spectroscopy in
the frequency range of 10 MHz - 100 Hz at temperature 0-400°C (Novocontrol
Concept 40). A significant increase of the conductivity of fluorine doped
KTiOPO4 crystals was determined in this work.