We study the computability properties of symmetric hyperbolic systems of PDE’s (Formula presented.), with the initial condition u|t=0 = φ(x1, . . ., xm). Such systems first considered by K.O. Friedrichs can be used to describe a wide variety of physical processes. Using the difference equations approach, we prove computability of the operator that sends (for any fixed computable matrices A, B1, . . ., Bm satisfying some natural conditions) any initial function φ ∈ Ck+1(Q, ℝn), k ≥ 1, to the unique solution u ∈ Ck(H, ℝn), where Q = [0, 1]m and H is the nonempty domain of correctness of the system.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationProceedings of the 5th International Conference on Computability and Complexity in Analysis, CCA 2008
Number of pages13
StatePublished - 1 Jan 2008

    Research areas

  • Computability, Difference scheme, Finite-dimensional approximation, Hyperbolic system, Matrix pencil, Metric space, Norm, PDE, Stability

ID: 127087536