A dusty plasma was created in a stratified glow discharge in longitudinal magnetic fields above 1 T. Experimental conditions were selected and dust structures were first created in the neon working gas in the magnetic field rangeB= 1.1-2.2 T. Under realized conditions, the electron cyclotron radius is close to the dust particle radius, and the ion cyclotron radius is less than the Debye screening length. Images of dust structure cross sections perpendicular to the magnetic field were obtained. They contain about 10 particles. The dependence of the angular velocity of the dust structure rotation for its widest cross section on magnetic field was measured. The direction of the angular velocity vector coincides with the direction of the magnetic induction vector. In contrast to the previously obtained dependence of the rotation velocity on magnetic field in the regionB<1 T, atB> 1 T the rotation angular velocity ceases to grow, reaching a value of about 3 rad s(-1). To explain the experimental results on the dust structure rotation velocity, an analytical model of the rotation mechanism is proposed. The model is based on the concept of eddy currents in striations and the influence of the magnetic field on the striation length. The obtained estimates of the rotation velocity are in a good agreement with the experimental data.

Original languageEnglish
Article number085020
Number of pages8
JournalPlasma Sources Science and Technology
Issue number8
StatePublished - 1 Aug 2020

    Scopus subject areas

  • Condensed Matter Physics

    Research areas

  • dust particle structure, complex plasma, magnetic field, dust particle rotation, ion drag, DC discharge, NONLOCAL ELECTRON KINETICS, IONIZATION WAVES, DUST STRUCTURES, ROTATION, GAS, PARTICLES, STRIATION, DYNAMICS, DRIFT, Dust particle rotation, Dc discharge, Complex plasma, Dust particle structure, Ion drag, Magnetic field

ID: 62721003