The article presents information about the structural features of the upper jaw of an adult with the normal eruption of third
molars, retention, and the absence of the rudiments of these teeth. It has been established that during the retention of the
upper third molars and their absence, significant changes in the morphometric characteristics of the alveolar process of
maxilla, the bone palate, as well as the shape of its alveolar arch and tuber are occurred. In terms of their morphometric
parameters, the upper jaw with bilateral retention is as close as possible to the upper jaw with missing rudiments of wisdom
teeth and the upper jaw with one-sided retention to the upper jaw with fully erupted third molars. According to its morphometric
parameters, the upper jaw with bilateral retention is as close as possible to the upper jaw with missing rudiments of wisdom
teeth and the upper jaw with unilateral retention – to the upper jaw with fully erupted third molars. Difficult eruption of the
upper third molars is accompanied by changes in the angular parameters of the upper jaw and features of the horizontal and
vertical facial profiling.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)2229-2232
JournalDrug Invention Today
Issue number10
StatePublished - 2019

    Research areas

  • Alveolar process of maxilla, Facial profiling, RETENTION, Third molars, Upper jaw

ID: 47862835