The paper presents the main results achieved when analyzing the vision, methodological approaches and curricula of the St. Petersburg State University Master Degree Programs, oriented to Russian Language, Arts and Culture as well as to the Intercultural Communication proficiency. The coherence of social and emotional skills is fundamental for the human capital development to create leaders in the fields of education, arts and culture. Long-term systemic change has to be reflected on the transformative and holistic education, tailored to individual needs.

The authors outline the importance of the distinctive intellectual and cultural environment, presenting the sustainable results of the University of Tsukuba and the St.Petersburg State University student-exchange programs. The authors argue the use of educational guided-tour technology, designed for the university teaching professionals in the field of Russian as Foreign Language, focusing on the coherent cultural approach in the Art and Humanities educational practices. The focalization is made on the multilingual teaching in the Performing Arts Education for developing strategic approaches to international student recruitment to take advantage of the opportunities available within the global Higher Education.
Translated title of the contributionКогерентные образовательные практики в методике обучения иностранным языкам и межкультурной коммуникации
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationEDULEARN19 Proceedings
Subtitle of host publication11th International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies
EditorsLG Chova, AL Martinez, IC Torres
PublisherInternational Association of Technology, Education and Development
Number of pages4
ISBN (Print)9788409120314
StatePublished - 25 Jul 2019
Event11th International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies (EDULEARN) - Пальма-де-Майорка, Spain
Duration: 30 Jun 20193 Jul 2019
Conference number: 11

Publication series

NameEDULEARN Proceedings
ISSN (Print)2340-1117


Conference11th International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies (EDULEARN)
Abbreviated titleEDULEARN 2019
Internet address

    Research areas

  • Intercultural Communication, Russian as Foreign Language, Guided-tour Technology, Cultural Studies, Coherent Educational Methods, Human Capital, Holistic Education

ID: 46400313