Kinetics of hydrogen evolution from gold foil was studied at different temperatures. Curves of foil degassing are presented. A slow decay in the flow of hydrogen evolved is pointed out. Thus, at 993 K it decreases by a factor of 2. The decay rate decelerates with the temperature decrease. A high specific content of hydrogen evolving from the foil is emphasized. On the basis of temperature dependence of the flow of hydrogen evolved activation energy of degassing process was determined, being 175 kJ÷mol. Processes upon the foil surface are the rate - determining stage. On the basis of literature data on hydrogen adsorption and penetration through gold, as well as exponential low of degassing description, equilibrium enthalpy of captured and dissolved hydrogen was evaluated to be 82 kJ÷mol, which is equal to the difference in activation energies of hydrogen capture in a trap in gold lattice and release from it.
Original languageRussian
Pages (from-to)111-112
Issue number1
StatePublished - 1991
Externally publishedYes

ID: 5018389