This study presents the results of development of the Catalogue and Atlas of giant aufeis-taryns in the North-East of Russia. The characteristics of aufeis in the North-East of Russia for the last 70 years have been generalized and systematized into the Catalogue database using data from the Cadastre of aufeis (1958) and Landsat images for the period 2013-2017 for the Yana, Indigirka, Kolyma River basins and Chukotka area. In total the territory more than 1.9 million km2 is covered by the study. The Catalogue contains the information about the location and characteristics of more than 4600 aufeis fields. The release of the Atlas of aufeis-taryns in the North-East of Russia has been announced. It reveals the history of study, origin, distribution, and specific features of aufeis and is supplemented with medium-and large-scale maps of aufeis with their seasonal and long-term dynamics.
Original languageEnglish
StatePublished - 17 Apr 2020
Event4th Vinogradov Conference on Hydrology: from Learning to Worldview in Memory of Outstanding Russian Hydrologist Yury Vinogradov, VC 2020 - Saint-Petersburg, Russian Federation
Duration: 20 Mar 202027 Mar 2020


Conference4th Vinogradov Conference on Hydrology: from Learning to Worldview in Memory of Outstanding Russian Hydrologist Yury Vinogradov, VC 2020
Country/TerritoryRussian Federation

ID: 78471031