• Ekaterina Fomina
  • Evgeniy Kozlov
  • Kirill Lokhov
  • Olga Lokhova
  • Vladimir Bocharov

The Precambrian rocks of the Keivy Terrane reveal five types of carbonaceous matter (CM): Fine-grained, flaky, nest, vein, and spherulitic. These types differ in their distribution character, carbon isotope composition, and graphitization temperatures calculated by the Raman spectra of carbonaceous material (RSCM) geothermometry. Supracrustal rocks of the Keivy Terrane contain extremely isotopically light (δ 13 C PDB = –43 ± 3‰) carbon. Presumably, its source was a methane–aqueous fluid. According to temperature calculations, this carbon matter and the host strata underwent at least two stages of metamorphism in the west of the Keivy Terrane and one stage in the east. The CM isotope signatures of several samples of kyanite schists (δ 13 C PDB = –33 ± 5‰) are close to those of oils and oil source rocks, and they indicate an additional carbon reservoir. Thus, in the Keivy territory, an oil-and-gas bearing basin has existed. Heavy carbon (δ 13 C PDB = −8 ± 3‰) precipitated from an aqueous CO 2 -rich fluid is derived from either the lower crust or the mantle. This fluid probably migrated from the Keivy alkaline granites into the surrounding rocks previously enriched with “methanogenic” carbon.

Original languageEnglish
Article number94
Number of pages17
Issue number2
StatePublished - Feb 2019

    Research areas

  • Alkaline granites, Carbon isotopes, Graphite, Graphitization, Kola Peninsula, Polyphase metamorphism, Precambrian, RSCM geothermometry, HYDROTHERMAL ALTERATION, GRAPHITE THERMOMETRY, graphitization, alkaline granites, RAMAN-SPECTROSCOPY, polyphase metamorphism, SOUTHERN INDIA, METAMORPHIC ROCKS, METASEDIMENTS, MAGMATISM, graphite, APPLICABILITY, ALKALINE PROVINCE, ISOTOPE, carbon isotopes

    Scopus subject areas

  • Geology
  • Geotechnical Engineering and Engineering Geology

ID: 49681764