
Bulls and bears: inscribing SOEs’ roles into the global climate agenda. / Garanina, O.; Klishevich, D.; Panibratov, A.

In: Critical Perspectives on International Business, Vol. 20, No. 2, 30.04.2024, p. 272-294.

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review





Garanina, O. ; Klishevich, D. ; Panibratov, A. / Bulls and bears: inscribing SOEs’ roles into the global climate agenda. In: Critical Perspectives on International Business. 2024 ; Vol. 20, No. 2. pp. 272-294.


title = "Bulls and bears: inscribing SOEs{\textquoteright} roles into the global climate agenda",
abstract = "Purpose: This study aims to explore when and under what conditions state-owned enterprises (SOEs) become important players in orchestrating the global climate action and what their roles are as domestic or international (de)carbonizers. Design/methodology/approach: This is a conceptual paper that aims to advance understanding of the role of SOEs in addressing the global climate challenge. The authors build on the institutional theory to capture the importance of home-country climate regulation mechanisms and advance knowledge on the internationalization of SOEs. The authors review the literature on the institutional boundaries that shape the environmental activities of firms at home and abroad and develop the argument on the influence of home country institutions and internationalization on the role of SOEs in the global climate agenda. Findings: In this study, the authors elaborate the SOEs{\textquoteright} climate action matrix and offer three propositions based on the fact that SOEs{\textquoteright} environmental strategies are driven by the interests of the state as owner and the scope of SOEs{\textquoteright} internationalization. First, the authors propose that the level of home country{\textquoteright}s climate policy ambition explains SOEs{\textquoteright} stance on climate action. Second, scope of internationalization explains SOEs{\textquoteright} stance on climate action. Third, the progressive/increasing involvement of SOEs in climate action enhances the country{\textquoteright}s climate stance. Originality/value: The authors incorporate the climate argument into international business (IB) studies of SOEs{\textquoteright} internationalization, a novel approach that helps us to advance the knowledge on the complex issue of corporate climate action. The authors argue for a dynamic and reciprocal relationship between home/host countries and SOEs{\textquoteright} climate engagement. In doing this, the authors contribute to the IB research and policy agenda by exploring SOEs{\textquoteright} engagement in advancing the global climate agenda. {\textcopyright} 2024, Emerald Publishing Limited.",
keywords = "Climate strategies, Decarbonization, Environment, Internationalization, Multinational enterprises (MNEs), State-owned enterprises (SOEs), Sustainability",
author = "O. Garanina and D. Klishevich and A. Panibratov",
note = "Export Date: 11 March 2024 Адрес для корреспонденции: Panibratov, A.; Research Center, France; эл. почта: Пристатейные ссылки: Amer, E., Internationalization, institutional pressures in foreign markets, and environmental sustainability (2022) Journal of International Management, 29 (1); Aray, Y., Dikova, D., Garanina, T., Veselova, A., The hunt for international legitimacy: examining the relationship between internationalization, state ownership, location and CSR reporting of Russian firms (2021) International Business Review, 30 (5), p. 101858; Attig, N., Boubakri, N., El Ghoul, S., Firm internationalization and corporate social responsibility (2016) Journal of Business Ethics, 134 (2), pp. 171-197; Backman, C.A., Verbeke, A., Schulz, R.A., The drivers of corporate climate change strategies and public policy: a new resource-based view perspective (2017) Business and Society, 56 (4), pp. 545-575; Bansal, P., Sustainable development in an age of disruption (2019) Academy of Management Discoveries, 5 (1), pp. 8-12; Bass, A.E., Gr{\o}gaard, B., The long-term energy transition: drivers, outcomes, and the role of the multinational enterprise (2021) Journal of International Business Studies, 52 (5), pp. 807-823; Becker-Ritterspach, F., Simbeck, K., El Ebrashi, R., MNCs{\textquoteright} corporate environmental responsibility in emerging and developing economies: toward an action research approach (2019) Critical Perspectives on International Business, 15 (2-3), pp. 179-200; Benoit, P., (2019) Engaging state-owned enterprises in climate action, ,, Center of Global Energy Policy: accessed 22 December 2022; Benoit, P., Clark, A., Schwarz, M., Dibley, A., Decarbonization in state-owned power companies: lessons from a comparative analysis (2022) Journal of Cleaner Production, 355; Berrone, P., Fosfuri, A., Gelabert, L., Does greenwashing pay off? Understanding the relationship between environmental actions and environmental legitimacy (2017) Journal of Business Ethics, 144 (2), pp. 363-379; Bjornberg, K.E., Karlsson, M., Gilek, M., Hansson, S.O., Climate and environmental science denial: a review of the scientific literature published in 1990-2015 (2017) Journal of Cleaner Production, 167, pp. 229-241; (2022) How and when Uruguay plans to expand its power generation park, ,, 27 July; Branger, F., Quirion, P., Climate policy and the {\textquoteleft}carbon haven{\textquoteright} effect (2014) WIREs Climate Change, 5 (1), pp. 53-71; Bruton, G.D., Peng, M.W., Ahlstrom, D., Stan, C., Xu, K., State-owned enterprise around the world as hybrid organizations (2015) Academy of Management Perspectives, 29 (1), pp. 92-114; Buckley, P.J., Doh, J.P., Benischke, M.H., Towards a renaissance in international business research? 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year = "2024",
month = apr,
day = "30",
doi = "10.1108/cpoib-12-2022-0140",
language = "Английский",
volume = "20",
pages = "272--294",
journal = "Critical Perspectives on International Business",
issn = "1742-2043",
publisher = "Emerald Group Publishing Ltd.",
number = "2",




T1 - Bulls and bears: inscribing SOEs’ roles into the global climate agenda

AU - Garanina, O.

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N1 - Export Date: 11 March 2024 Адрес для корреспонденции: Panibratov, A.; Research Center, France; эл. почта: Пристатейные ссылки: Amer, E., Internationalization, institutional pressures in foreign markets, and environmental sustainability (2022) Journal of International Management, 29 (1); Aray, Y., Dikova, D., Garanina, T., Veselova, A., The hunt for international legitimacy: examining the relationship between internationalization, state ownership, location and CSR reporting of Russian firms (2021) International Business Review, 30 (5), p. 101858; Attig, N., Boubakri, N., El Ghoul, S., Firm internationalization and corporate social responsibility (2016) Journal of Business Ethics, 134 (2), pp. 171-197; Backman, C.A., Verbeke, A., Schulz, R.A., The drivers of corporate climate change strategies and public policy: a new resource-based view perspective (2017) Business and Society, 56 (4), pp. 545-575; Bansal, P., Sustainable development in an age of disruption (2019) Academy of Management Discoveries, 5 (1), pp. 8-12; Bass, A.E., Grøgaard, B., The long-term energy transition: drivers, outcomes, and the role of the multinational enterprise (2021) Journal of International Business Studies, 52 (5), pp. 807-823; Becker-Ritterspach, F., Simbeck, K., El Ebrashi, R., MNCs’ corporate environmental responsibility in emerging and developing economies: toward an action research approach (2019) Critical Perspectives on International Business, 15 (2-3), pp. 179-200; Benoit, P., (2019) Engaging state-owned enterprises in climate action, ,, Center of Global Energy Policy: accessed 22 December 2022; Benoit, P., Clark, A., Schwarz, M., Dibley, A., Decarbonization in state-owned power companies: lessons from a comparative analysis (2022) Journal of Cleaner Production, 355; Berrone, P., Fosfuri, A., Gelabert, L., Does greenwashing pay off? 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N2 - Purpose: This study aims to explore when and under what conditions state-owned enterprises (SOEs) become important players in orchestrating the global climate action and what their roles are as domestic or international (de)carbonizers. Design/methodology/approach: This is a conceptual paper that aims to advance understanding of the role of SOEs in addressing the global climate challenge. The authors build on the institutional theory to capture the importance of home-country climate regulation mechanisms and advance knowledge on the internationalization of SOEs. The authors review the literature on the institutional boundaries that shape the environmental activities of firms at home and abroad and develop the argument on the influence of home country institutions and internationalization on the role of SOEs in the global climate agenda. Findings: In this study, the authors elaborate the SOEs’ climate action matrix and offer three propositions based on the fact that SOEs’ environmental strategies are driven by the interests of the state as owner and the scope of SOEs’ internationalization. First, the authors propose that the level of home country’s climate policy ambition explains SOEs’ stance on climate action. Second, scope of internationalization explains SOEs’ stance on climate action. Third, the progressive/increasing involvement of SOEs in climate action enhances the country’s climate stance. Originality/value: The authors incorporate the climate argument into international business (IB) studies of SOEs’ internationalization, a novel approach that helps us to advance the knowledge on the complex issue of corporate climate action. The authors argue for a dynamic and reciprocal relationship between home/host countries and SOEs’ climate engagement. In doing this, the authors contribute to the IB research and policy agenda by exploring SOEs’ engagement in advancing the global climate agenda. © 2024, Emerald Publishing Limited.

AB - Purpose: This study aims to explore when and under what conditions state-owned enterprises (SOEs) become important players in orchestrating the global climate action and what their roles are as domestic or international (de)carbonizers. Design/methodology/approach: This is a conceptual paper that aims to advance understanding of the role of SOEs in addressing the global climate challenge. The authors build on the institutional theory to capture the importance of home-country climate regulation mechanisms and advance knowledge on the internationalization of SOEs. The authors review the literature on the institutional boundaries that shape the environmental activities of firms at home and abroad and develop the argument on the influence of home country institutions and internationalization on the role of SOEs in the global climate agenda. Findings: In this study, the authors elaborate the SOEs’ climate action matrix and offer three propositions based on the fact that SOEs’ environmental strategies are driven by the interests of the state as owner and the scope of SOEs’ internationalization. First, the authors propose that the level of home country’s climate policy ambition explains SOEs’ stance on climate action. Second, scope of internationalization explains SOEs’ stance on climate action. Third, the progressive/increasing involvement of SOEs in climate action enhances the country’s climate stance. Originality/value: The authors incorporate the climate argument into international business (IB) studies of SOEs’ internationalization, a novel approach that helps us to advance the knowledge on the complex issue of corporate climate action. The authors argue for a dynamic and reciprocal relationship between home/host countries and SOEs’ climate engagement. In doing this, the authors contribute to the IB research and policy agenda by exploring SOEs’ engagement in advancing the global climate agenda. © 2024, Emerald Publishing Limited.

KW - Climate strategies

KW - Decarbonization

KW - Environment

KW - Internationalization

KW - Multinational enterprises (MNEs)

KW - State-owned enterprises (SOEs)

KW - Sustainability

UR -

U2 - 10.1108/cpoib-12-2022-0140

DO - 10.1108/cpoib-12-2022-0140

M3 - статья

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SP - 272

EP - 294

JO - Critical Perspectives on International Business

JF - Critical Perspectives on International Business

SN - 1742-2043

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ER -

ID: 117487419