Meditative poetry is a kind of poetic creativity that has the character of deep philosophical reflection on the problems of human life, love, being in general. Meditative lyrics convey poet’s thoughts about certain life issues.
Modern Mongolian poets are pushing the boundaries of meditative poetry noticeably, trying to reflect this or that idea, to overcome descriptiveness and declarativeness. This is facilitated by the appeal to the Buddhist theme, characteristic of Mongolian literature of the late 20th - early 21st centuries.
Today G. Ayurzana (born 1970) is one of the writers whose philosophical and aesthetic direction of creativity represents the development trends of modern philosophical thought. To a wide readership he is known for his novels “Mirage” (2003), “Ten Dreams Debt” (2005), “Born of Echoes” (2007), “The Shaman’s Legend” (2010), “Shugden” (2012), “White , Black, Red ”(2014),“ Pulsation” (2015),“ Sacred Hangay’s Secret”(2017). Buddhist themes, motives, images are not dominant in the author’s work, but they occupy a sufficient place in it. The collection of poems "Meditation" ("Byasalgal", UB., 2013) demonstrates the poet’s religious and philosophical concept.

Translated title of the contributionБуддийские темы и образы в медитативной лирике Г.Аюурзаны
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationMongolian Buddhism: Tradition and Innovation. 3rd International Conference on Mongolian Buddhism. 3rd traditional European conference organized annually by the International Association for Mongol Studies
Subtitle of host publicationAbstracts
Number of pages1
StatePublished - 2019
Event3rd International Conference on Mongolian Buddhism, Eotvosh Lorang University, Budapest, Hungary - Eotvosh Lorang University, Budapest, Hungary
Duration: 25 Apr 201926 Apr 2019
Conference number: 3


Conference3rd International Conference on Mongolian Buddhism, Eotvosh Lorang University, Budapest, Hungary

ID: 100485391